ΚΑΡΑΒΑΚΙ ΓΙΑ ΠΑΡΑΓΑΔΙ - Βλάσσης .Ο Σύλλογος Ψαράδων Ηρακλείου ήδη ετοιμάζεται για κινητοποίηση

ΚΑΡΑΒΑΚΙ ΓΙΑ  ΠΑΡΑΓΑΔΙ - Βλάσσης .Ο Σύλλογος Ψαράδων Ηρακλείου ήδη ετοιμάζεται για κινητοποίηση
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Welcome to Star Beach Water Park

Πέμπτη 22 Οκτωβρίου 2009

AMPSURF gets wounded veterans riding waves

Ο οργανισμός AMPSURF (Association of Amputee Surfers) ιδρύθηκε για να βοηθήσει ανάπηρους βετεράνους του αθλήματος και γενικά τα άτομα με αναπηρία, να προσαρμόσουν την μέθοδο σέρφινγκ στο πρόβλημα τους και να νιώσουν με τον τρόπο αυτό την θεραπευτική δύναμη του ωκεανού και του συγκεκριμένου σπορ.
Ο φωτογράφος Ezra Shaw μας αποκαλύπτει τους θριάμβους και τις προκλήσεις που κλήθηκαν να αντιμετωπίσουν οι αθλητές κατά την διάρκεια μιας εκδήλωσης της AMPSURF στην παραλία Pismo στην Καλιφόρνια, μεταξύ 13 και 20 αυγούστου.

Operation Restoration IV, a learn to surf clinic hosted by The Association of Amputee Surfers, took to the surf on Pismo Beach, Calif. to ride the waves from August 13th - 20th. AMPSURF is an organzation set up to help disabled veterans and local disabled, along with wounded active duty servicemen, to learn adaptive surfing and feel the healing power of the ocean and the sport. Photographer Ezra Shaw shows us the triumphs and challenges of the event. Regular viewers of this blog will recognize Shaw's terrific photography, which frequently appears here. ( 18 photos total)

Triple amputee Jake Speed rides a wave during Operation Restoration IV August 15 in Pismo Beach, Calif. Speed lost the bottom portion of both his legs and his right arm from frostbite when he was caught out in a storm in Greenland for three days while on a research trip. He received his prosthetic legs just two weeks ago. (Ezra Shaw/Getty Images)

Local surfers walk in to the waves as the sun rises before the start of Operation Restoration IV on August 14. (Ezra Shaw/Getty Images) #

Amputee surfer Timothy Norton changes his prosthetic leg to a special prosthetic leg made for use in the water August 15. Norton was a Section Sergeant May 1, 2008 when his platoon was assigned to clear houses in Mezrah, Iraq, and he was shot and had to have his leg amputated. (Ezra Shaw/Getty Images) #

Amputee surfer Ryan West practices standing up on his board August 14. (Ezra Shaw/Getty Images) #

Amputee surfer Timothy Norton walks out of the water August 14. (Ezra Shaw/Getty Images) #

Former Army serviceman Karl Dorman from Washington DC carries his surfboard up the beach August 14. (Ezra Shaw/Getty Images) #

Amputee surfer Julie Carruthers, a.k.a. One-Legged-Joe, catches a wave August 14. (Ezra Shaw/Getty Images) #

Jose Sanchez catches a wave with a help of of local volunteer August 14. (Ezra Shaw/Getty Images) #

Amputee surfer Mario Rodriguez catches a wave August 14. Rodriguez, USAF Retired, suffered a disarticulation of the right hip while serving overseas. (Ezra Shaw/Getty Images) #

Amputee surfer Timothy Norton stands on his board August 14. (Ezra Shaw/Getty Images) #

Paralympian Mark Barr catches a wave August 14. Barr competed for the USA in swimming during the 2008 Paralympics in China. (Ezra Shaw/Getty Images) #

Paralympian Mark Barr falls off his board August 14. (Ezra Shaw/Getty Images) #

Former Army serviceman Karl Dorman from Washington DC rides a wave August 15. (Ezra Shaw/Getty Images) #

Former Army serviceman Karl Dorman from Washington DC rides a wave August 15. (Ezra Shaw/Getty Images) #

Amputee surfer Ryan West rides a wave August 15. (Ezra Shaw/Getty Images) #

Amputee surfer Greg Birkholz receives a hug from a volunteer after catching a wave August 15. Birkholz, who was one of the original founders of AMPSURF, lost his leg in a motorcycle accident. (Ezra Shaw/Getty Images) #

Timothy Norton (L) and Mario Rodriguez leave the water after a surfing session August 16. (Ezra Shaw/Getty Images) #

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