Elevator instalation, hole in control arm is 8-9mm from reinforcement plate.
Motormount reinforcement, if you are beginner and tend to crash from time to time, use little bigger pieces. My favorite AM motor AXI 2203/RACE.
See how reinforced carbon joins with hardply triangle , this is also real important to have very powerfull and not flexible rudder.
Rudder servo mounted slightly higher than original cut by CCN machine. This allow you to use 45 degree support, that is VERY important to keep this part stronger.
Aileron throws, 10cm from horizontal fuselage.
Elevator throws.
Deluxe V3 F3P:
Deluxe is much more complex plane than Sultimate, it take some time and building skills to build it right. Next step is fine balancing of all aerodynamic devices and CG. At the moment i use two CPLR canard one on top second on bottom of fuselage, only one on top give small coupling in KE and plane tend to roll to landing gear. I suggest you use AXI 2203/52 with GWS 9x4.7 propeller, this is best setup i find for this plane, since nose is quite short and distance from stabilizer to wings is long (to increase stability) you need to move all equipment in front of the plane to have right CG. Right now center of gravity on Deluxe is 260mm from motor mount.
Box for battery, its much better to select battery you want to use, and build depron box for it, instead of using velcro. With light and fragile plane it does not make sense to use battery fixing method that require force for removing it.
Throws of ailerons, 8cm.
Delux radio setup;
I don't think any F3P pilot did this, and share his all setup with customers and oponents, but i want to see happy flying pilots that bought my planes. So here you go little F3P pornography;)
Dual rates and expo for Deluxe. Ailerons are controled by one JR188 servo, two Dymond D47 for tail.
Thro curve.
Rudder to Aileron mix to eliminate tendention to roll out of knife edge flight.
My and Ignas flew new Deluxe V3 from Donuts models, both planes were build with standart equipment and only small milling in wings and tail. Min had AXI2203/52 that was swinging 9x4.7 GWS prop. On ailerons i use one JR 188 digital servo, and tail was controled by good old D47 connected to 2S lypo.
Aito is good designed ARF, installation of servos and motor is real easy. All surfaces are connected together using CA glues and flexible hinges. Top wing is attached using two SFG'S and small fin on fuselage, total you will need ten 3 mm bolt, each aileron is controlled by one HD 2216MG servo, this small but powerful (3.9kg) and fast (0,09) servo can control two ailerons on each side with no problem. When all ten screws tighten you can fell plane have very solid construction, there is no need for X wires to reinforce wings. Two ailerons can be connected with each other using 2mm carbon rod ore tube.
Top wing is from one piece, and is very solid, bottom wing is from two pieces and is connected between on carbon tube.
Technical spec's;
Wingspan : 1200mm
Fuselage: 1300mm
Wing area: 64dm²
Weight deppending on equipment: 1600-2000g
Wingloading: ~25g/dm²
Motor: AXI 2826/12.
ESC; Castle Creations 45a Phoenix.
Battery: Flight power EonX 30 2450mah 4s.
Servos: Elevator and rudder Airtronic 94751, ailerons HD2216MG
Propeller: APC 14x7
Receiver: Jeti, Duplex R6.
RX powered from main 4s battery with Castle Creation 10 A Bec.
AXI 2826/12 have solid trust with 4s, and with 2450mah capacity i have about 8 minutes of hard 3 flight.
Standart size rudder servo is located in middle of fuselage and connected with pull pull cables to surface. Battery and RX location can reach by opening small covering plate on bottom of fuselage. Cockpit is glued in factory and there is no need to remove it during flying at field.
Instead of using separate battery for RX with linear BEC i decide to use switching BEC that was connected to main 4S battery. Using castle creation USB link you can program CC bec to give your RX from 4,8 to 9 volts. I set it for 6v, so all servos are used with best spec's they have. For ESC my selection was obvious, i select 45amp ESC from CC Phoenix series, i already use same ESC for 2,5 years is my Vanquish from Extreme Flight RC and had no problems a all.
Aito is designed as biplane, but as you see i flew it as monoplane as well, wings are not only super light 9 thanks to selected balsa and light film) but they are also build with good quality and with wise construction, so this mean they are also very strong. If you like faster rolls and more agile plane, then you can try your Aito as monoplane without much modifications, simply remove top wing and enjoy;)
Quite nice number on wing, as far as i know this is first prototype that reach France. Right now Donuts launch production and should have Aito in stock, so if you looking for different looking and flying plane, consider getting new Aito for Christmas!
Plane kit price: 249 Eur.
My Story |
My name is Donatas Paužuolis, im 24 year old student from Vilnius,Lithuania. My hobby and biggest passion is Radio Control aerobatic models, when i was 11 year old i started flying with my first 2 channel rc glider, since then many great models flown, many great people meet. Here i will show my way in RC;
I guess i have this love for aviation from my dad Rimas. Rimas is modeler for more than 40 years, he was coach for Lithuania control line F2B (Air combat) team, and in 1980 took third place and in 1981 took first place in all soviet union , that was huge gain for him and Lithuania. 2009 year. In 2009 there was not much good indoor competition because of mess with new sequences, so all attention was given to preparation for World Air Games. I had some problems and delays with equipment, but in the end i was able to put everything together and win Artistic Aerobatic competition. Sweet moment. In 2009 i start working with famous gas engine manufacturer Desert Aircraft and serious manufasturer of tunned pipes and muflers for gas engines MTW from Germany. Also very good news i start working with top company from France Donuts Models, and my most sucesfull designs now are available as kits. 2008 year. In 2008 i concentrate on F3P, i train hard and i was able to reach good very results and qualify for World Air Games. I visit top competitions in Italy, Germany, Belgium, Czech rep, France. F6A victory in Italy, Turin. 2008 year was also allot of building and flying outside thanks to my new sponsor Extreme Flight RC from USA. I like all EF models i flew, they are superb in quality and flying characterystics. 2008 year Extreme Flight RC Jak54 with DA-50i. Sultimate V2, improved AM plane from 2007. In 2008 i start working with Model Motors from Czech company that produce hi quality and performance brushless motors. I also start ussing new 2.4 system from Jeti models Duplex, and im really happy about system performance. 2007 year. Sultimate sucessful Aeromusical plane. 2006 year. In 2006 F3A season i flew my first 2m F3A plane Onyx140 from Protech powered by OS160 with tunned pipe. Rimas working on Onyx140 from Protech. Again it was good season, i won championship and season cup, and in 2006 september we (Me and Vitalijus Pilkionis) were able to compete in Poland F3A championsip, it was great expierence that gave us some ideas for next season. 2006 sept. in Poland (Radom) F3A championship. 2006 Lithuania championship. 1 place in F3A. 2005 year.
In 2005 F3A season i flew with my and my dad's construction plane Saribik-2 with glow 15cc Super tiger, season was realy good for me i won all 7 competitions including national F3A championship. "Traku taure" F3A cup, with my plane Saribik2. 2005 year championship, from L to R, Second Vitalijus, first me ,third Vladimir. Since i star learning 3D , we decide to build our own profile funfly, affter few months of work new "Fury" was ready for flying. Plane was powered by 4 stroke OS 70 2 Surpass engine. Plane have very nice flying characterystics , thanks to thick airfoil in center. 2004 year. 2004 year in season opening competition, won it with fun fly Laser 3d. Durring 2004 autumn, we start flying indoor, this was something new and very interesting for me. Here is my first design Timmy; 2005 year. 2003 year. I had short stop and did not flew RC for some time and only in 2003 i flew first time again with 4 channel trainer with 3.5cc glow engine. Second plane we work on, was fun fly Laser 3d, i start compete with him in LT F3A competitions in 2004 year. And from this point it star rolling... I start flying RC in 1996, when i was 11 year old, unfortunately i don't have any pictures from these early moments. Artistic Aerobatic, F3A and F3P right now is what i like most! My purpose now is to fly in different competitions representing Lithuania, showing best result i can, having good time and finding new friends and sponsors from all over the world. http://www.pauzuolis-rc.com/ |
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